What should we do about Bitcoin Unlimited's "proposals"? The possibility of a network attack via a contentious hard fork happening is less than 10%. T…
Co fondatore di AssoB.it spiega i vantaggi di questa criptovaluta (ANSA) Source: www.ansa.it/sito/videogallery/economia/2017/04/04/casa-comandini-bitc…
Here is a quick overview of a year's worth of news about blockchains, databases that essentially make records more verifiable and permanent. Source: a…
In an Australian first, the University of Melbourne will soon test blockchain technology to record student credentials. Source: www.afr.com/leadership…
Spotify has acquired Mediachain, the New York-based startup behind an open source peer-to-peer database and protocol for registering, identifying, and…
By Peter Gersak We consider it a natural process that online transactions are getting smoother and faster day by day. Be it a purchase from your favor…
Secondo i Laboratori di F-Secure il ransomware continuerà la sua crescita esponenziale a meno che i governi non prendano provvedimenti Source: www.dig…