Ultimamente il bitcoin sta tornando di moda sui giornali e sui siti di informazione. Alcuni opinionisti, ahimè, non brillano per competenza o per etic…
di LEONARDO FACCO Al montiano Stefano Quintarelli – che un mese fa ha presentato una proposta di legge contro l’anonimato dei Bitcoin – si accapponerà…
Senegal has recently become only the second country in the world which will introduce a new national digital currency. Named eCFA, the digital currecy…
Goldman Sachs Group has dropped out of the R3 CEV blockchain group. The investment bank was one of nine original members of R3, founded in 2014 to exp…
Banco Santander has departed the R3 blockchain consortium, according to a representative. Source: www.coindesk.com/santander-drops-out-r3-blockchain-c…
IBM’s new service will help companies experiment with using the online ledger technology to track high-value goods as they move through supply chains.…
The IRS's effort to strip away the privacy of all Coinbase users is more broad than the government's effort in recent cases dealing with cell site loc…