Russia Bitcoin: tax authorities recognized digital currencies in Russia. Federal tax service said that there is no legal prohibition of cryptocurrenci…
US Federal Reserve Blockchain Paper: read it here the first research made by the American Institutiion about the distributed ledger. Source: blog.holy…
Legambiente, prima organizzazione no profit in Italia, ha avviato una nuova collaborazione con la startup Helperbit per adottare la tecnologia Blockch…
Help a non-technical audience to under what shared ledgers are and that the Bitcoin blockchain is only one kind of shared ledger. It includes the YouT…
Blockchain isn’t just for fintech. Several organizations, such as Bitnation, are using it to assist those in dire need, such as refugees and victims o…
The old country Italy is way in the lead of the several others when it comes right to the Blockchain technology. Just take a quite shot of the possibi…
Bittarelli: "Nella Capitale è possibile pagare con la moneta virtuale le corse acquistate dal web e dall'app. Source:…
Chi crede che la blockchain serva solo per i bitcoin sbaglia. Ci sono almeno altri 10 possibili usi. Eccoli Source:…