IBM Evolution: Big Blue Is Finally Getting Serious About Cryptocurrency - CoinDesk IBM is breaking from enterprise blockchain norms by publicly workin…
Wall Street rethinks blockchain projects as euphoria meets reality Wall Street has been much more excited about the system underpinning bitcoin than t…
Ramaphosa suggests cryptocurrency for Africa President Cyril Ramaphosa has supported the idea of a single currency for the African Union. Source: mybr…
France plans to create a legal framework for raising funds via cryptocurrencies and aims to become a leading center for offerings in bitcoin-style dig…
Le organizzazioni che stanno pilotando progetti di Blockchain proof of concept possono costruire sull'infrastruttura pubblica di blockchain e progetta…
In early human history money did not rely on trusted entities, but this pattern changed when more efficient fiduciary systems emerged… Source: medium.…
Nell’immaginario collettivo è una tecnologia oscura, legata al mondo delle criptovalute e delle speculazioni selvagge. In realtà la blockchain ha molt…
Huawei Technologies Ltd., the world's third-biggest handset maker, is considering developing a mobile phone that will be able to run blockchain-based …
Gli exchange: il vero problema delle criptovalute In questo post parliamo di cosa sono e come funzionano. Le problematiche relative agli exchange cent…