Le previsioni sui Bitcoin hanno a che vedere con il dollaro. Vediamo quale sarebbe il loro legame e se i prezzi potranno salire dopo il tonfo delle ul…
China's central bank is reportedly set to issue findings from its inspections on domestic bitcoin exchanges. Source: www.coindesk.com/china-bitcoin-ex…
Following the adoption of Bitcoin Unlimited by a number of new miners, is the new grassroots client headed for activation? Source: www.cryptocoinsnews…
IBM Watson Health has signed a research initiative with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) aimed at defining a secure, efficient and scalabl…
A wave of anti-establishment sentiment sweeping the Western world is likely to help push blockchain - the technology that gave birth to the renegade d…
Dalla crisi di Mps alla partita dei crediti deteriorati, il presidente dell'Abi a colloquio con la redazione Agi Source: www.agi.it/viva-italia-dirett…
Antonio Patuelli presidente Abi a Viva l'Italia, il videoforum di Agi. Source: www.agi.it/video/2017/01/19/news/patuelli_bitcoin_si_muove_in_un_contes…
By Tuur DemeesterA technology is called “disruptive” if it creates a new market that first disturbs and then displaces an earlier technology. Bitcoin.…